Quadratic functions


We should fence the land in a shape of an equilateral triangle. Choose the function that describes the dependence of the fenced land area \( S \) (in square meters) on the length \( d \) (in meters) of the fence used.
\( S=\frac{\sqrt3}{36} d^2 \)
\( S=\frac{\sqrt3}{18} d^2 \)
\( S=\frac{\sqrt3}4 d^2 \)
\( S=\frac1{36} d^2 \)


On a spool of mass \( 0.5\,\mathrm{kg} \) is winded an aluminium wire of length \( 100\,\mathrm{m} \). Choose the function that describes the dependence of a mass of the spool with the wire \( m \) (in kilograms) on a diameter of the wire \( d \) (in millimetres). Wire density is \( 2\,700\frac{kg}{m^3} \). \[ \] Hint: The density of an object is defined as the ratio of the mass and the volume of the object.
\( m=\frac{27\pi}{400} d^2+0.5 \)
\( m= 67 500\pi d^2+0.5 \)
\( m=\frac{27\pi}{400} d^2-0.5 \)
\( m=\frac{27\pi}{200} d^2+0.5 \)


In the centre of a square shaped square there is a water fountain. The fountain has a square ground plan with the side length \( 4.5\,\mathrm{m} \). The square should be paved with cobblestones of size \( 25\,\mathrm{cm} \times 25\,\mathrm{cm} \). Choose the function that describes the dependence of the number of cobblestones needed (\( n \)) on the length of the square (\( a \)) given in meters.
\( n=16a^2-324 \)
\( n=\frac{a^2}{625}-324 \)
\( n=16a^2-625 \)
\( n=\frac{a^2}{16}-324 \)


The annulus shaped component parts are punched from sheet metal. Diameter of the circular hole is \( 25\,\% \) of the diameter of the whole component part. Choose the function that describes the dependence of the area (\( S \)) of material used to produce one component part on its outside diameter (\( d \)).
\( S=\frac{15}{64}\,\pi d^2 \)
\( S=\frac38\,\pi d^2 \)
\( S=\frac{15}{32}\,\pi d^2 \)
\( S=\frac{31}{64}\,\pi d^2 \)


We want to plant flowers into rectangular flower bed with longer side by one meter longer than its shorter side. Each flower needs \( 1\,\mathrm{dm}^2 \) of free space. From the following functions, choose the one that describes the dependence of the number of planted flowers \( n \) on the length \( a \) of the shorter side of the flower bed. (Assume that the dimensions of the flower bed are given in whole meters.)
\( n=\left(a^2+a\right)\cdot100 \)
\( n=\left(a^2+a\right)\cdot\frac1{100} \)
\( n=(a+1)^2\cdot100 \)
\( n=\left(a^2+a\right) \)


Suppose we want to paint a cube so that there remains an unpainted stripe along all the edges on each face. The width of the stripe should be \( 1\,\mathrm{cm} \). The producer gives the paint consumption \( 100\,\mathrm{ml}/1\,\mathrm{m}^2 \). From the following functions choose the one that describes the dependence of the paint consumption \( V \) on the length of the cube edge \( a \). The paint consumption \( V \) is given in millilitres and the length of the cube edge \( a \) is given in meters.
\( V=\left(a-\frac1{50}\right)^2\cdot600 \)
\( V=\left(a-\frac1{50}\right)^2\cdot\frac3{50} \)
\( V=\left(a-\frac1{100}\right)^2\cdot600 \)
\( V=(a-2)^2\cdot100 \)


There are graphs of three quadratic functions in the picture. Choose the formula which corresponds to all three functions graphed in the picture.
\( y=-(x+a)^2+3 \), \( a\in(-\infty; 0] \)
\( y=-(x+a)^2+3 \), \( a\in\mathbb{R}^+ \)
\( y=-(x+3)^2+a \), \( a\in\mathbb{R}^+ \)
\( y=-(x-3)^2+a \), \( a\in\mathbb{R}^+ \)


We are given three quadratic functions: \[ \begin{aligned} f_1(x)&=ax^2+2ax+a-3, \\ f_2(x)&=a(x-1)^2+2, \\ f_3(x)&=ax^2, \end{aligned} \] where \( a\in(-\infty;0) \). If possible, determine which of the given functions has the highest output value for \( x = 0.5 \).
\( f_2 \)
\( f_3 \)
\( f_1 \)
Given information is insufficient to decide.