The conference for the learning and teaching of mathematics (JAEM)
Juan Segui and Marta Minguez organized the workshop about Math4U Portal at the conference for the learning and teaching of mathematics (JAEM). The conference was held from July 3 to 6, 2022 at the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and is organized by the Spanish Federation of Society of Teachers of Mathematics.
Summary of the workshop: Math4u.vsb.cz is an educational portal with a database of more than 4,000 exercises for both High School and High School. Totally free, and organized in topics and sections. It is primarily designed to be used via electronic devices in five different languages. It consists of three applications depending on whether it is used as a student, teacher or class. Although a small presentation of all of them will be made, the purpose of this workshop is to explain in more detail the operation of the application for teachers, where the selection of exercises and the design of written tests in different formats PDF, HTML...
The website of the event: https://20.jaem.es