The box is on the slope as in the picture. The length of the slope is
\(l = 2\, \mathrm{m}\) and the
height is \(h = 1.2\, \mathrm{m}\).
The forces acting on the box are the force of gravity
\(\vec{F_{G}}\) and the
friction \(\vec{F_{t}}\).
The force of gravity can be replaced by two components
\(\vec{F_{1}}\) and
\(\vec{F_{n}}\). (The force
\(\vec{F_{1}}\) is parallel to the slope
and \(\vec{F_{n}}\) is perpendicular to
the slope.) The friction \(F_{t}\)
is given by the formula \(F_{t} = fF_{n}\)
where \(f\)
is the coefficient of the friction. Consider the standard acceleration of gravity
\(g = 10\, \mathrm{m\, s^{-2}}\). Find the minimal value for the coefficient of the friction
\(f\) to
ensure that the box does not move with an acceleration.