2010002107 Level: AGiven the function \(f(x)=-5(x-1)^3+3(x-1)^5-2\) (see the picture), at how many points has this function null derivative?\(3\)\(2\)\(1\)\(4\)
2010002106 Level: AHow many of the following functions have the positive derivative at the point \(x = 3\)?\(2\)\(1\)\(3\)\(4\)
2010002105 Level: AHow many of the following functions have the negative derivative at the point \(x = 1\)?\(2\)\(1\)\(3\)\(4\)
2110002104 Level: AIn one of the following pictures there is a graph of a function, which is not differentiable at the point \(x = 3\). Choose this picture.
2110002103 Level: AIn one of the following pictures there is a graph of a function, which is not differentiable at the point \(x = 1\). Choose this picture.
2110002102 Level: AIn one of the following pictures there is a graph of a function, which has null derivative at the point \(x = 3\). Choose this picture.
2110002101 Level: AIn one of the following pictures there is a graph of a function, which has null derivative at the point \(x = 1\). Choose this picture.
2010002009 Level: BDifferentiate the following function. \[ f(x) =\ln \left (\frac{2x} {2 - x}\right ) \]\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{2} {(2-x)x} ;\ x\in \left (0;2\right )\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{2} {(2-x)x} ;\ x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus \left \{0;2\right \}\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{2-x} {2x};\ x\in \left (0;2\right )\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{2-x} {2x};\ x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus \left \{0;2\right \}\)
2010002008 Level: BDifferentiate the following function. \[ f(x) =\ln \left(3x^{2} - 5x \right) \]\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{6x-5} {3x^{2}-5x};\ x\in \left (-\infty ;0\right )\cup \left (\frac{5}{3};\infty \right )\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{6x-5} {3x^{2}-5x};\ x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus \left \{0;\frac{5} {3}\right \}\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{1} {3x^{2}-5x};\ x\in \left (-\infty ;0\right )\cup \left (\frac{5}{3};\infty \right )\)\(f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{1} {3x^{2}-5x};\ x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus \left \{0;\frac{5} {3}\right \}\)
2010002007 Level: BDifferentiate the following function. \[ f(x) = \frac{\sqrt{x} +2} {2-\sqrt{x} } \]\(f'(x) = \frac{2} {\sqrt{x}}\frac{1}{(2-\sqrt{x})^{2}}, \ x \in (0 ;4)\cup (4;\infty) \)\(f'(x) = \frac{\sqrt{x}} {2(2-\sqrt{x})^2}, \ x \in (0 ;4) \cup (4;\infty) \)\(f'(x) = \frac{1} {(2-\sqrt{x})^2}, \ x \in (0 ;4) \cup (4;\infty) \)\(f'(x) = \frac{1} {x(2-\sqrt{x})^2}, \ x \in (0 ;4) \cup (4;\infty) \)