2010011705 Level: AThe graph shows the set of all real numbers that satisfy the inequality \( |2x-14| \geq 6\). Determine \( k \).\( k = 4\)\( k = 0\)\( k = -4\)\( k = 6\)
2010011704 Level: AThe solution set of an inequality is graphed on the number line. Determine this inequality.\( |7-x| > 34 \)\( |x+7| > 20 \)\( |14-x| > 27 \)\( |x+14| > 13 \)
2010011703 Level: BThe solution set of the equation \( 2|45-x|-|2x-72| =0 \) is:\( \left\{ \frac{81}2 \right\}\)\( \emptyset\)\( \left\{ -\frac{81}2 \right\}\)\( \left\{ -\frac{81}2 ;\frac{81}2 \right\}\)
2010011702 Level: AFind the solution set of the inequality \( |15-5x| \leq 3 \).\( \left[ \frac{12}5;\frac{18}5\right]\)\( \left[ \frac{4}3;\frac{14}3\right]\)\( \left[ -\frac{18}5;-\frac{12}5\right]\)\( \left[ -\frac{14}3;-\frac{4}3\right]\)
2010011701 Level: AHow many natural numbers belong to the solution set of the inequality \( |3x-7| < 5 \)?\(3\)\(4\)\(2\)\(1\)
2010008602 Level: BDecide which of the following intervals ensures that the expressions in all the absolute values of the given equation are positive on this interval. \[|2x-3|+ 2|2-x |= 1-3x\]\( \left(\frac32 ;\infty\right) \)\( \left(-\infty;2\right) \)\( \left(2 ;\infty\right) \)\( \left(-\infty;\frac32\right) \)
2010008605 Level: BFind the sum of all the roots of the equation \( |2x+5|=|2-x| \).\( -8\)\( -9\)\( -7\)\( -1 \)
2010008604 Level: CFind the sum of all the roots of the given equation. \[ \bigl|2- |x+1|\bigr|=0 \]\( -2\)\( 2\)\( -4 \)\( 0 \)
2010008603 Level: BCalculate for which values of the parameter \(t \in\mathbb{R} \) the given equation has no solution. \[ |2-4x|=1-t\]\( t\in (1 ;\infty) \)\( t\in (-\infty;1) \)\( t\in \left(\frac12 ;\infty\right) \)\( t\in \left(-\infty;\frac12\right) \)
2010008601 Level: BChoose the equation which is, on the interval \( \left[ \frac12; 2 \right] \), equivalent to \[ |2x-1|+2|x+5|=1-|2-x|. \]\( (2x-1)+2(x+5)=1-(2-x) \)\( (2x-1)+2(x+5)=1+(2-x) \)\( (2x-1)-2(x+5)=1+(2-x) \)\( -(2x-1)+2(x+5)=1+(2-x) \)