1003162903 Level: CFind the sum of all the roots of the given equation. \[ \bigl| |x-4|-2\bigr|=0 \]\( 8 \)\( 12 \)\( 4 \)\( 6 \)
1003162902 Level: BCalculate for which value(s) of the parameter \( t \) the given equation has no solution. \[ |x+4|-2=t \]\( t\in(-\infty;-2) \)\( t\in(-\infty;-4) \)\( t\in(-4;\infty) \)\( t\in(-\infty;2) \)
1003162901 Level: BCalculate for which value(s) of the parameter \( t \) the given equation has at least one solution. \[ |x-5|=t \]\( t\in[0;\infty) \)\( t\in[5;\infty) \)\( t\in\{0\} \)\( t\in(-\infty;5] \)
1003163005 Level: BFind all \( t \), \( t\in\mathbb{R} \), such that the following equation with the variable \( x \) has exactly two solutions. \[ |x-t|+1=3 \]\( t\in\mathbb{R} \)\( t\in(-\infty;2) \)\( t\in(2;\infty) \)\( t\in(-2;\infty) \)
1003163004 Level: CFind the sum of all the roots of the given equation. \[ \Bigl| |x-4|-9\Bigr|=0 \]\( 8 \)\( 18 \)\( 6 \)\( 4 \)
1003163003 Level: BHow many roots has the given equation for \( x\in(-\infty;-3] \)? \[ |3-2x|-3|x|=-8 \]\( 1 \)\( 2 \)\( 0 \)\( 3 \)
1003163002 Level: CFind all \( t \), \( t\in\mathbb{R} \), such that the following equation with the variable \( x \) has more than two solutions. \[ \Bigl| |3-x|-3\Bigr|=t \]\( t\in(0;3] \)\( t\in\{0;3\} \)\( t\in\{3\} \)\( t\in[1;3] \)
1003163001 Level: BFind all \( t \), \( t\in\mathbb{R} \), such that the following equation with the variable \( x \) has exactly two solutions. \[ |x|+t=-3 \]\( t\in(-\infty;-3) \)\( t\in\{-3\} \)\( t\in(-3;\infty) \)\( t\in\{-3;3\} \)
1003177805 Level: CLet \( x\in\mathbb{Z} \). Find the sum of all the solutions of the given inequality. \[ \Bigl| \bigl| |x+1|+1 \bigr|+1\Bigr| \leq 3 \]\( -3 \)\( -2 \)\( -4 \)\( 0 \)
1003177804 Level: CChoose the solution set of the given inequality. \[ \left| |x-5|+2\right| > 3 \]\( (-\infty;4)\cup(6;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;-4)\cup(6;\infty) \)\( (6;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;-5)\cup(6;\infty) \)