2000002609 Level: CThe equation \(x^3 +27=0\) can be solved by factoring. The expression on the left can be factored as:\( (x+3)(x^2-3x+9) \)\( (x+3)(x^2+3x+9) \)\( (x+3)^3 \)\( (x-3)(x^2+3x+9) \)
2000002607 Level: CWhich of the following equations has not the solution \(x=i\)?\( x^6 -1 =0\)\( x^6 +1 =0\)\( x^3 +i =0\)\( x^5 -i=0\)
2000002406 Level: CWhich of the functions is one-to-one?\( f(x) = x-3 \)\( f(x) = |x+1|\)\( f(x) = x^3-x \)\( f(x) = x^2 \)
2000002203 Level: CIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |x + 2| + |x + 3| \leq 0 \]\( \emptyset \)\( \mathbb{R} \)\( \mathbb{R} \setminus \{-3;-2\} \)\( \{-3;-2\} \)
2100002005 Level: CIdentify a possible graph of the function \(f(x) = \left| \frac{1}{x-1} +1\right|\).
2100002004 Level: CIdentify a possible graph of the function \( f(x) =\left| \frac{1}{x+1} -1 \right| \).
2000001508 Level: CWhich of the given numbers is not the solution of the equation \((x-i)(2x+i)=0\)?\(x=1\)\(x=i\)\(x=-\frac{1}{2}i\)\(x=\cos{\frac{\pi}{2} }+ i\sin{\frac{\pi}{2}}\)