9000104306 Level: AAssuming \(a = 0\), solve the following inequality. \[ a\left (a - 1\right )x < 1 \]\(x\in\mathbb{R}\)\(x\in\mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}\)\(x\in\emptyset \)\( x\in\left \{ \frac{1} {a\left (a-1\right )}\right \}\)
9000104308 Level: AAssuming \(a = \frac{1} {2}\), solve the following inequality. \[ 2a^{2}x - 1 > ax \]\(\emptyset \)\(\mathbb{R}\)\(\left ( \frac{1} {a\left (2a-1\right )};\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ; \frac{1} {a\left (2a-1\right )}\right )\)
9000101603 Level: ASimplify the polynomial \((x + 1)(x - 1)^{2} - (x - 1)(x + 1)^{2}\) into one of the following forms.\(- 2\left (x - 1\right )\left (x + 1\right )\)\(2\left (x - 1\right )\left (x + 1\right )\)\(0\)\(2\)
9000101009 Level: ADetermine whether the following two lines are identical, parallel, intersecting or skew. \[\begin{aligned} a\colon x & = t, & & \\y & = -t, & & \\z & = 1 - t;\ t\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\]\[\begin{aligned} b\colon x & = -s, & & \\y & = s, & & \\z & = 1 + s;\ s\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\]identical linesskew linesintersecting linesparallel, not identical lines
9000101010 Level: ADetermine whether the following two lines are identical, parallel, intersecting or skew. \[\begin{aligned} a\colon x & = t, & & \\y & = -t, & & \\z & = 1 - t;\ t\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\]\[\begin{aligned} b\colon x & = -s, & & \\y & = s, & & \\z & = -1 + s;\ s\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\]parallel, not identical linesskew linesintersecting linesidentical lines
9000100710 Level: AGiven points \(A = [-3;2]\) and \(B = [1;y]\), find the values of \(y\) which ensure the length of the vector \(\overrightarrow{AB } \) equals \(5\).\(y_{1} = -1\), \(y_{2} = 5\)\(y_{1} = -1\), \(y_{2} = 1\)\(y_{1} = 1\), \(y_{2} = 5\)\(y_{1} = 5\), \(y_{2} = -5\)
9000101803 Level: AIn the following list identify a pair of points \(C\), \(D\) such that the vector \(\overrightarrow{CD } \) is not equal to the vector \(\overrightarrow{AB } \) where \(A = [1;3;-2]\) and \(B = [-2;4;3]\).\(C = [1;-2;3],\ D = [-2;-1;-2]\)\(C = [6;1;-4],\ D = [3;2;1]\)\(C = [-3;5;7],\ D = [-6;6;12]\)\(C = [-3;8;14],\ D = [-6;9;19]\)
9000101601 Level: AExpand \((1 + x)\left (x^{2} + x - 1\right )(1 - x)\).\(- x^{4} - x^{3} + 2x^{2} + x - 1\)\(x^{4} - x^{3} + 2x^{2} + x + 1\)\(- x^{4} + x^{3} - 1\)\(x^{4} + x^{3} - 2x^{2} + x - 1\)
9000101604 Level: AExpand the polynomial \(\left (2x^{2} + 4x\right )^{2} -\left (4x - 2x^{2}\right )^{2}\).\(32x^{3}\)\(0\)\(32x^{3} - 8x\)\(32x^{3} - 32x^{2} + 8x\)
9000101001 Level: ADetermine whether two lines $p$ and $q$ are identical, parallel, intersecting or skew. \[\begin{aligned} p\colon x & = 1 + t, & & \\y & = 2 - t, & & \\z & = 1 - t;\ t\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\] \[\begin{aligned} q\colon x & = 2s, & & \\y & = -1, & & \\z & = 2 - 2s;\ s\in \mathbb{R} & & \end{aligned}\]intersecting linesskew linesidentical linesparallel lines, not identical