Mr. Nowak deposited \( 2000 \) zlotys into his savings account at an annual interest rate of \( 4.5\% \), compounded annually. At the end of the year, the \( 19\% \) tax of the interest was deducted. What was the amount of the money deducted?
In a chess tournament \( 70\% \) of all participants were boys. Girls were \( 20\% \) of the number of boys. Other participants of the event were coaches and judges. Find the percentage of girls with the reference to all the participants of the tournament.
A notebook and a pen cost the same amount of money. The price of the notebook was increased by \( 3\% \), and the price of the pen was increased by \( 5\% \). For the set consisting of \( 5 \) notebooks and \( 5 \) pens you need to pay more than before the rise
In the warehouse there were \( 400 \) kilograms of fruit. The diagram shows the percentage composition of fruit in the warehouse according to their weight. How many kilograms of pears were there?