Two hunters, Adam and Boris, competed in target shooting. Adam hit the target points \( \{10;10;9;8;7\}\), and Boris \( \{10;10;9;9;6\} \). Who is the winner? In the case of the same sum of gained points the shooting accuracy is decisive. Which of the following statements is true, if the accuracy is quantified by the variance of the points? (The variance is rounded to two decimal places.)
Adam won with the variance of \( 1{.}36\,\mathrm{points}^2 \).
Adam won with the variance of \( 1{.}17\,\mathrm{points}^2 \).
Boris won with the variance of \( 2{.}16\,\mathrm{points}^2 \).
Adam won with the variance of \( 1{.}36\,\mathrm{points} \).
Adam won with the variance of \( 1{.}17\,\mathrm{points} \).
Boris won with the variance of \( 2{.}16\,\mathrm{points} \).