Rational functions


Peter drove from Ostrava to Warsaw. He drove at an average speed of \( 104 \) kilometres per hour and reached Warsaw in \( 4 \) hours. Select the function that describes the dependence of Peter’s driving time \( t \) on the average speed \( v \) of the car. (The driving time \( t \) is given in hours and the average speed \( v \) is given in kilometres per hour.)
\( t=\frac{416}v\text{ ,}\ v\in(0;\infty) \)
\( t=\frac{26}v\text{ ,}\ v\in(0;\infty) \)
\( t=\frac v{26}\text{ ,}\ v\in(0;\infty) \)
\( t=\frac{104}v\text{ ,}\ v\in(0;\infty) \)


The fuel consumption of Skoda Fabia \( 1.4 \) MPi/\( 44\,\mathrm{kW} \) stated by the manufacturer varies between \( 5.5\,\mathrm{l} \) / \( 100\,\mathrm{km} \) (out of a town) to \( 9.6\,\mathrm{l} \) / \( 100\,\mathrm{km} \) (in a town). Suppose the car’s fuel tank of capacity \( 45\,\mathrm{l} \) is filled completely. Choose the function describing relation between the distance \( p \) in \( \mathrm{km} \) that the car can travel without tanking on the fuel consumption \( s \).
\( f\colon p=\frac{4\:500}s;\ s\in[5.5;9.6] \)
\( h\colon p=\frac{45}s;\ s\in[5.5;9.6] \)
\( r\colon p=\frac s{0.45};\ s\in[5.5;9.6] \)
\( g\colon p=45\cdot s;\ s\in[5.5;9.6] \)


In a simple electric circuit a voltage source and a variable resistor with resistance \( R \) in the range \( [1\Omega;10\Omega] \) are connected. Suppose the source gives fixed voltage of \( 5\,\mathrm{V} \). From the graphs given below select the one that describes the dependence of the electric current \( I \) on the resistance \( R \) in this circuit. (Note: The relationship between electric currant, voltage and resistance is described by Ohm’s law: \( U=RI \).)


The hall’s floor needs a new tiling. All tiles used will be of the same size. The picture shows the graph of the function describing dependence of the number \( p \) of tiles needed in the hall on the area \( S \) of one tile. What is the area of the hall’s floor?
\( 10.5\,\mathrm{m}^2 \)
\( 1\:050\,\mathrm{m}^2 \)
\( 2\:100\,\mathrm{m}^2 \)
\( 42\,\mathrm{m}^2 \)


The picture shows graphs of functions: \[ \begin{aligned} f(x)&=\frac2x\text{, }x\in\left[\frac12;4\right], \\ g(x)&=\frac{-3}x\text{, }x\in\left[\frac12;4\right], \\ h(x)&=\frac4x\text{, }x\in\left[\frac12;4\right]. \end{aligned} \] Choose the correct statement.
The function \( f \) is graphed in blue and the function \( h \) is graphed in green.
The function \( g \) is graphed in red and the function \( f \) is graphed in green.
The function \( f \) is graphed in green and the function \( h \) is graphed in blue.
The function \( g \) is graphed in green and the function \( f \) is graphed in blue.


Group of mountaineers would climb the top of the mountain at an ascent speed of \(400\,\mathrm{m}\) per day in \(10\) days. However, due to the weather, they have to conquer the peak in \(8\) days. How many more meters per day do they have to cover?
\(100\) meters more
\(80\) meters more
\(120\) meters more
\(90\) meters more