9000003104 Level: BIdentify a possible analytic expression for the function graphed in the picture.\(y = -2 -\frac{1} {x}\)\(y = 2 + \frac{1} {x}\)\(y = -2 + \frac{1} {x}\)\(y = 2 -\frac{1} {x}\)
9000003105 Level: BIdentify a possible analytic expression for the function graphed in the picture.\(y = \frac{1} {x-2}\)\(y = - \frac{1} {x-2}\)\(y = - \frac{1} {x+2}\)\(y = \frac{1} {x+2}\)
9000003106 Level: BIdentify a possible analytic expression for the function graphed in the picture.\(y = \frac{2} {x+1}\)\(y = \frac{1} {x+2}\)\(y = - \frac{1} {x+2}\)\(y = \frac{1} {x-1}\)
9000003107 Level: BIdentify a possible analytic expression for the function graphed in the picture.\(y = -2 + \frac{1} {x+1}\)\(y = 2 + \frac{1} {x+1}\)\(y = 2 + \frac{1} {x-1}\)\(y = -2 + \frac{1} {x-1}\)
9000003108 Level: BIdentify a possible analytic expression for the function graphed in the picture.\(y = -2 - \frac{1} {x-1}\)\(y = -1 - \frac{1} {x-2}\)\(y = -2 + \frac{1} {x-1}\)\(y = 1 - \frac{1} {x-2}\)
9000003109 Level: BIdentify the function that is graphed in the picture.\(f(x) = \frac{x+3} {x+2}\)\(f(x) = \frac{x+2} {x+1}\)\(f(x) = \frac{x-2} {x+1}\)\(f(x) = -\frac{x+3} {x+2}\)
9000003110 Level: BIdentify the function that is graphed in the picture.\(f(x) = \frac{2-x} {1-x}\)\(f(x) = \frac{x-2} {x+1}\)\(f(x) = -\frac{2-x} {1-x}\)\(f(x) = \frac{x-1} {x+1}\)
9000007501 Level: BThe graph of the function \[ f(x) = 1 + \frac{3} {x + 2} \] is a hyperbola. Find the center of this hyperbola.\(S = [-2;1]\)\(S = [3;1]\)\(S = [1;3]\)\(S = [1;-2]\)\(S = [-2;3]\)
9000007502 Level: BThe graph of the function \[ f(x) = 2 - \frac{3} {x - 2} \] is a hyperbola. Find the center of this hyperbola.\(S = [2;2]\)\(S = [-2;2]\)\(S = [2;3]\)\(S = [-2;3]\)\(S = [2;0]\)
9000007503 Level: BThe graph of the function \[ f(x) = 1 + \frac{1} {2(x - 2)} \] is a hyperbola. Find the center of this hyperbola.\(S = [2;1]\)\(S = [1;1]\)\(S = [1;2]\)\(S = [-1;1]\)\(S = [2;2]\)