9000141910 Level: AGiven the function \(h\), find \(\lim _{x\to -\infty }h(x)\). \[ h(x)=\begin{cases} -\frac1{x-1} & \text{if } x< 1,\\ -(x-1)^2+2 & \text{if } x\geq 1 \end{cases} \]\(0\)\(2\)\(\infty \)\(-\infty \)Does not exist
9000146701 Level: AExpand the following polynomial. \[ 2 - (2x + 1) + x(5 - 2x) - 3(x - 2) \]\(- 2x^{2} + 7\)\(- 2x^{2} + 9\)\(- 2x^{2} - 3\)\(- 2x^{2} - 5\)
9000146702 Level: AExpand the following expression. \[ a - 4(2 - a) - a(5a + 1) + 2a(3 - 2a) \]\(- 9a^{2} + 10a - 8\)\(- 9a^{2} + 12a - 8\)\(- 9a^{2} + 2a - 8\)\(- 9a^{2} + 4a - 8\)
9000146203 Level: AExpand the following expression. \[ \left (x^{5} -\sqrt{2}y\right )^{2} \]\(x^{10} - 2\sqrt{2}x^{5}y + 2y^{2}\)\(x^{10} -\sqrt{2}x^{5}y + 2y^{2}\)\(x^{10} - 2\sqrt{2}x^{5}y - 2y^{2}\)\(x^{10} -\sqrt{2}x^{5}y - 2y^{2}\)
9000146204 Level: AExpand the following expression. \[ \left (\frac{a} {2} + 4b^{3}\right )^{2} \]\(\frac{a^{2}} {4} + 4ab^{3} + 16b^{6}\)\(\frac{a^{2}} {4} + 2ab^{3} + 16b^{6}\)\(\frac{a^{2}} {4} + 4ab^{3} + 16b^{5}\)\(\frac{a^{2}} {4} + 2ab^{3} + 16b^{5}\)
9000146206 Level: AFactor the following expression. \[ x^{2}y^{10} - 81 \]\(\left (xy^{5} - 9\right )\left (xy^{5} + 9\right )\)\(\left (xy^{5} - 9\right )\left (xy^{5} - 9\right )\)\(\left (xy^{5} - 9\right )\left (xy^{2} + 9\right )\)\(\left (xy^{5} - 9\right )\left (xy^{2} - 9\right )\)
9000146205 Level: AFactor the following expression. \[ 9a^{6} - 4b^{2} \]\(\left (3a^{3} - 2b\right )\left (3a^{3} + 2b\right )\)\(\left (3a^{3} - 2b\right )\left (3a^{3} - 2b\right )\)\(\left (3a^{3} - 2b\right )\left (3a^{2} + 2b\right )\)\(\left (3a^{3} - 2b\right )\left (3a^{2} - 2b\right )\)
9000146704 Level: AExpand the following polynomial. \[ (3 - x)(x - 2) - (x + 1)(x - 3) \]\(- 2x^{2} + 7x - 3\)\(- 2x^{2} + 3x - 9\)\(- 2x^{2} + 3x - 3\)\(- 2x^{2} + 7x - 9\)
9000146703 Level: AExpand the following expression. \[ (a - 2)(5a + 3) - (2a + 1)(3 - a) \]\(7a^{2} - 12a - 9\)\(3a^{2} - 12a - 9\)\(7a^{2} - 2a - 9\)\(3a^{2} - 2a - 9\)
9000139707 Level: AA Morse code utilized dots and dashes to encode letters of an alphabet. Find the number of signals of the length from \(1\) to \(4\) which can be obtained from dots and dashes.\(2 + 2^{2} + 2^{3} + 2^{4}=30\)\(1 + 2 + 3! + 4!=33\)\(\frac{4!} {3!\, 2!}=2\)\(2 \cdot 1 + 2 \cdot 2 + 2 \cdot 3 + 2 \cdot 4=20\)