9000150401 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{-3}^{1}(x^{2} + 3x)\, \text{d}x \]\(-\frac{8} {3}\)\(\frac{8} {3}\)\(-\frac{64} {3} \)\(\frac{64} {3} \)
9000150402 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{-\frac{\pi }{ 2} }^{ \frac{\pi } {2} }\sin x\, \text{d}x \]\(0\)\(\pi \)\(2\)\(1\)
9000150403 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{-2}^{0}\mathrm{e}^{x}\, \text{d}x \]\(1 -\frac{1} {\mathrm{e}^{2}} \)\(1 + \frac{1} {\mathrm{e}^{2}} \)\(\frac{1} {\mathrm{e}^{2}} \)\(-\frac{1} {\mathrm{e}^{2}} \)
9000150404 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{2}^{6} \frac{2} {x}\, \text{d}x \]\(\ln 9\)\(\ln 2\)\(\ln 3\)\(2\ln 6\)
9000150407 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{1}^{2}7^{x}\, \text{d}x \]\(\frac{42} {\ln 7} \)\(49\ln 7\)\(42\)\(42\ln 7\)
9000150408 Level: AEvaluate the following definite integral. \[ \int _{0}^{ \frac{\pi }{ 4} } \frac{2} {\cos ^{2}x}\, \text{d}x \]\(2\)\(0\)\(4\)\(\pi \)
9000151310 Level: AFind the value of the real parameter \(a\) which ensures, that the following two lines \(p\) and \(q\) are perpendicular. \[ p\colon ax + y - 4 = 0,\qquad q\colon x + 2y + 4 = 0. \]\(- 2\)\(2\)\(1\)\(- 1\)
9000150105 Level: AEvaluate the following integral on \(\mathbb{R}\). \[ \int \left (6^{x} - 6x^{6}\right )\, \mathrm{d}x \]\(\frac{6^{x}} {\ln 6} -\frac{6x^{7}} {7} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(6^{x}\ln 6 - 6x^{7} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(6^{x}\ln 6 -\frac{6x^{7}} {7} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(\frac{6^{x}} {\ln 6} - 6x^{7} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)
9000150108 Level: AEvaluate the following integral on the interval \((0;+\infty)\). \[ \int \left (\frac{3} {x} - 3x^{-2} + \frac{2} {x^{3}}\right )\, \mathrm{d}x \]\(3\ln |x| + \frac{3} {x} - \frac{1} {x^{2}} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(3\ln |x|-\frac{3} {x} - \frac{1} {x^{2}} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(3\ln |x| + \frac{3} {x} + \frac{1} {x^{2}} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(3\ln |x|-\frac{3} {x} + \frac{1} {x^{2}} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)
9000150301 Level: AEvaluate the following integral on \(\mathbb{R}\). \[ \int 9x^{8}\, \text{d}x \]\(x^{9} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(9x^{9} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(\frac{x^{9}} {9} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)\(9x^{7} + c,\ c\in \mathbb{R}\)