The number \(\cos \frac{7}
{6}\pi + \mathrm{i}\sin \frac{7}
{6}\pi \)
is a solution of a quadratic equation with real valued coefficients. Find the second
One of the roots of the equation \( x^{2} + px - 11 = 0\) with the parameter \(p\in \mathbb{C}\) is \(x_{1} = 3 -\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2}\). Find the second root \(x_{2}\) and the corresponding value of the parameter \(p\).
\(x_{2} = -3 -\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2},\ p = 2\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2}\)
\(x_{2} = 3 + \mathrm{i}\sqrt{2},\ p = 6\)
\(x_{2} = -3 -\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2},\ p = 6\)
\(x_{2} = 3 + \mathrm{i}\sqrt{2},\ p = -2\mathrm{i}\)
\(x_{2} = -3 -\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2},\ p = -2\mathrm{i}\sqrt{2}\)
Find the values of the parameter \(p\in \mathbb{R}\)
which guarantee that the following quadratic equation has solutions with nonzero
imaginary part.
px^{2} - 3x + 4p = 0
Establish the values of the parameter \(t\)
which ensure that the equation
x^{2} + tx + t + 8 = 0
with an unknown \(x\)
has complex solutions with a nonzero imaginary part.