2000001504 Level: AFind the product of the complex roots of the equation \(x^2 = -25\).\( 25 \)\( -25i\)\( -25\)\( 25i\)
2000001503 Level: AFind the sum of the complex roots of the equation \(3x^2 +27=0\).\( 0\)\( 6\)\( -6i\)\( 6i\)
2000001502 Level: AFind the complex roots of the equation \(2x^2=-8\).\( x_1 = 2i;~x_2=-2i\)\( x_1 = x_2=2i\)\( x_1 =x_2=-2i\)The equation has no solution.
2000001501 Level: ASolve the quadratic equation \( x^2 +1 =0\) in the set of complex numbers.\( x_{1,2} = \pm i\)\( x_{1,2} = i\)\( x_{1,2} = -i\)\( x_{1,2} = \pm 1\)
Quadratic Equations with Complex Coefficients Submitted by ladislav.foltyn on Fri, 05/24/2019 - 15:31
1003107511 Level: CFind the solution set of the following quadratic equation in the complex plane. \[ 2x^2-x=3\mathrm{i}x+2 \]\( \left\{-\frac12+\frac12\mathrm{i}; 1+\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{-\frac12+\mathrm{i}; 1+\frac12\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{\frac12-\frac12\mathrm{i}; -1-\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{\frac12-\mathrm{i}; -1-\frac12\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{-\frac12-\frac12\mathrm{i}; 1-\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{\frac12+\mathrm{i}; -1+\frac12\mathrm{i} \right\} \)
1003107510 Level: CFind the solution set of the following quadratic equation in the complex plane. \[ x+\frac{\mathrm{i}}2=\frac1x+\frac2{\mathrm{i}} \]\( \left\{-\frac12\mathrm{i};-2\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{\frac12\mathrm{i};2\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{\frac12\mathrm{i};-2\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{-\frac12\mathrm{i};2\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \emptyset \)
1003107509 Level: CFind the solution set of the following quadratic equation in the complex plane. \[ (3-2\mathrm{i})x^2-(2-4\mathrm{i})x + 2 = 0 \]\( \left\{ 1-\mathrm{i}; \frac1{13}+\frac5{13}\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{ -1+\mathrm{i}; -\frac1{13}-\frac5{13}\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \emptyset \)\( \left\{ -1+\mathrm{i}; \frac1{13}+\frac5{13}\mathrm{i} \right\} \)\( \left\{ 1-\mathrm{i}; -\frac1{13}-\frac5{13}\mathrm{i} \right\} \)
1003107508 Level: CFind the complex roots of the following quadratic equation. \[ x^2 + (2 + 2\mathrm{i})x + 2\mathrm{i} = 0 \]\( x_{1,2}=-1-\mathrm{i} \)\( x_{1,2}=1+\mathrm{i} \)\( x_1=1+\mathrm{i}\text{, }\ x_2=-1-\mathrm{i} \)\( x_1=1-\mathrm{i}\text{, }\ x_2=-1+\mathrm{i} \)
1003107507 Level: CFind the solution set of the following quadratic equation in the complex plane. \[ x^2 +3\mathrm{i}x + 10 = 0 \]\( \{-5\mathrm{i}; 2\mathrm{i}\} \)\( \{-2\mathrm{i}; 5\mathrm{i}\} \)\( \{2-5\mathrm{i}; 5-2\mathrm{i}\} \)\( \{-2+5\mathrm{i}; -5+2\mathrm{i}\} \)\( \emptyset \)