9000034710 Level: ASolve the following equation with a real parameter \(t\), assuming \(t\neq - 1\) and \(t\neq 1\). \[ x(t^{2} - 1) = t - 1 \]\(\left \{ \frac{1} {t+1}\right \}\)\(\emptyset \)\(\mathbb{R}\)\(\left \{0\right \}\)
9000033704 Level: BFind the values of real parameter \(p\) which ensure that the following quadratic equation has solutions with nonzero imaginary part. \[ px^{2} + 4x - p + 5 = 0 \]\(p\in \left (1;4\right )\)\(p\in [ 1;4] \)\(p\in \left (-\infty ;1\right )\cup \left (4;\infty \right )\)\(p\in \left (-\infty ;1\right ] \cup \left [ 4;\infty \right )\)
9000021707 Level: AFind all the values of the parameter \(k\) so that the solution of the following equation is positive. \[ 2kx + k = 4x + 3 \]\(k\in (2;3)\)\(k > 0\)\(k\in (3;\infty )\)\(k\in (-\infty ;3)\)
9000021706 Level: AFind all the values of the parameter \(k\) so that the solution of the following equation is bigger than \(10\). \[ 3x - 18 = \frac{10x - 4k} {2} \]\(k\in (19;\infty )\)\(k\in \{9\}\)\(k\in (-\infty ;1)\)\(k\in (9;\infty )\)