The graph of \( f \) is given in the figure. Choose which of the following graphs is the graph of \( f' \).
(Function \( f' \) is the derivative of a function \( f \).)
The graph of \( f \) is given in the figure. Choose which of the following graphs is the graph of \( f' \).
(Function \( f' \) is the derivative of a function \( f \)).
The graph of \( f \) is given in figure. Choose which of the following graphs is the graph of \( f' \)
(function \( f' \) is the derivative of a function \( f \)).
The graph of \( f \) is given in figure. Choose which of the following graphs is the graph of \( f' \)
(function \( f' \) is the derivative of a function \( f \)).
There were the following speeds of six cars recorded on one of the roads in New York: $66\,\mathrm{mph}$, $57\,\mathrm{mph}$, $71\,\mathrm{mph}$, $54\,\mathrm{mph}$, $69\,\mathrm{mph}$, $58\,\mathrm{mph}$.
We would like to know the average of these recorded speeds. What type of average do we need to use?
You recorded the outdoor temperature in the place of your residence at the noontime during the past ten consecutive days. Now, you would like to find out the average noontime outdoor temperature in this place in the ten-day interval. What type of average do you have to use?
Let us assume that the value of an unique artwork will increase \( 1{.}5 \) times in the first year, \( 1{.}2 \) times in the second year and \( 1{.}9 \) times in the third year. We are interested in the compound annual growth rate in these three years. What type of average do we need to use?
Your stock portfolio had the following returns in the five consecutive years: \( 10\% \), \( -20\% \), \( 0\% \), \( 10\% \), \( 20\% \) (the minus sign denotes the financial loss). We are interested in five years compound annual growth rate of the portfolio. What type of average do we need to use?
In five consecutive years the annual production growth was \( 1\% \), \( 8\% \), \( 0\% \), \( 4\% \) and \( 1\% \) respectively. Find the compound annual growth rate of this five-year period. Round the result to two decimal places.
Paul drove the first halfway of a test track at a constant speed of \( 20\,\mathrm{kph} \) and the second halfway at a constant speed of \( 30\,\mathrm{kph} \). We wish to know Paul's average speed. What type of the average do we need to use?