Quadratic equations and inequalities


Veronica and Joseph are on their romantic hot air balloon ride. When proposing in \( 1\,500\,\mathrm{m} \) altitude, Joseph accidentally drops a ring over the edge of the balloon basket. The ring perishes in the ground direction the same as does Veronicas enthusiasm for getting married. In how many seconds does the ring hit the ground? (Ignore air resistance and round the result to the nearest integer.) (Note: Distance \( d \) (in meters) travelled by an object falling for time \( t \) (in seconds) is given by \( d=\frac12\,\mathrm{gt}^2 \), where \( g \) is gravitational acceleration, \( g = 9.81\,\mathrm{m/s^2} \).)
\( 17 \)
\( 15 \)
\( 20 \)
\( 21 \)


A swimming pool can be filled by two pipes in \( 5 \) hours. It takes \( 24 \) hours longer to fill the pool by only the first pipe than by only the second one. In how many hours does the first pipe fill the pool, in how many hours does the second one? Find the sum of both times.
\( 36 \) hours
\( 20 \) hours
\( 18 \) hours
\( 32 \) hours