2010008805 Level: ASimplify: \[- ab(a + b) - a[3b^2 - a(2a + 5b) - b(3b - 4a)]\]\(a(2a^2 - b^2)\)\(a(2a^2 - 7b^2)\)\(a(2a^2 + 8ab - 7b^2)\)\(a(2a^2 + 8ab - b^2)\)
2010008806 Level: ASimplify: \[a^2(3a - b) -[b^2(a + 3b) -b(3b^2 + ab - a^2) - 3a^3]\]\(2a^2(3a - b)\)\(-2b^2(a + 3b)\)\(2(3a^3 - 3b^3 - ab^2)\)\(6(a^3 - b^3)\)
9000079201 Level: AEvaluate \[ \frac{-x^{2}} {x - y} -\frac{y - x} {x + y} \] at \(x = -1\), \(y = 2\).\(-\frac{8} {3}\)\(-\frac{10} {3} \)\(-\frac{2} {3}\)\(-\frac{4} {3}\)
9000079205 Level: AAssuming \(x\neq 0\) and \(x\neq 2\), simplify the following expression. \[ \frac{x^{3} - x^{2}} {x - 2} \cdot \frac{2 - x} {x^{2}} \]\(1 - x\)\(x - 1\)\(x + 1\)\(x^{2} - 1\)
9000079206 Level: AAssuming \(x\neq 0\), \(y\neq 0\), \(x\neq y\), simplify the following expression. \[ { \frac{1} {x^{2}} - \frac{1} {y^{2}} \over -\frac{1} {y} + \frac{1} {x}} \]\(\frac{x+y} {xy} \)\(-\frac{x+y} {xy} \)\(\frac{1} {y} -\frac{1} {x}\)\(\frac{1} {x} -\frac{1} {y}\)
9000079210 Level: AConsider the expression \[ V (x) = \frac{x} {x - 1} - \frac{1} {1 - x}. \] Find the correct ordering of the values \(V (-2)\), \(V (0)\) and \(V (2)\).\(V (0) < V (-2) < V (2)\)\(V (-2) < V (0) < V (2)\)\(V (0) < V (2) < V (-2)\)\(V (2) < V (0) < V (-2)\)
9000083602 Level: AEvaluate the following expression at \(x = \frac{1} {2}\). \[ \frac{x^{2} - 2} {1 -\frac{1} {x}} \]\(\frac{7} {4}\)\(-\frac{7} {4}\)\(\frac{7} {2}\)\(-\frac{7} {2}\)
9000083603 Level: AEvaluate the following expression at \(x = \frac{1} {2}\) and \(y = -\frac{1} {4}\). \[ \frac{x -\frac{y} {x}} {1 + \frac{x} {y}} \]\(- 1\)\(3\)\(4\)\(1\)
9000083604 Level: AAssuming \(x\neq - 1\), \(x\neq \pm y\), simplify the expression. \[ \frac{x^{2} + 2xy + y^{2}} {2x^{2} + 4x + 2} \cdot \frac{(x + 1)(y - x)} {y^{2} - x^{2}} \]\(\frac{x+y} {2x+2}\)\(\frac{x+y} {2} \)\(x + y\)\(\frac{1} {2}\)
9000083605 Level: AFind the common denominator of the fractions. \[ \text{$ \frac{3x} {x^{2}+4x+4}$ and $ \frac{x+5} {x^{2}-4}$} \]\((x + 2)^{2}(x - 2),\; x\neq \pm 2\)\((x + 2)(x - 4),\; x\neq \pm 2\)\((x + 2)^{2}(x - 4),\; x\neq \pm 2\)\((x + 2)(x - 4),\; x\neq \pm 2\)