1003102401 Level: AAmong offered answers, choose a logarithmic form of the following equality. \[ 8^2 = 64 \]\( \log_864=2 \)\( \log_264=8 \)\( \log_82=64 \)\( \log_28=64 \)
1003102402 Level: AFind the value of \( y \) if \[ \log_42=y. \]\( y=\frac12 \)\( y=-1 \)\( y=2 \)\( y=1 \)
1003102403 Level: AFind the value of \( x \) if \[ \log_x8=-3. \]\( x=\frac12 \)\( x=2 \)\( x=\sqrt2 \)\( x=-\frac12 \)
1003102404 Level: AWhich of the following statements is not true?\( \log_{\sqrt2}2=\frac12 \)\( \log_{\frac12}2=-1 \)\( \log_21= 0 \)\( \log_2\sqrt2=\frac12 \)
1003102405 Level: AIf \( \log_x\frac49=-\frac12 \) then \( x \) is equal to:\( \frac{81}{16} \)\( \frac{16}{81} \)\( \frac23 \)\( -\frac23 \)
1003102406 Level: AFind the value of \( z \), if \( \log_3z=-3 \).\( z=\frac1{27} \)\( z=27 \)\( z=-9 \)\( z=\frac19 \)
1003102408 Level: AThe value of the expression \( \log_{16}\left(\log_216 \right) \) is:\( \frac12 \)\( \frac14 \)\( \frac18 \)\( 2 \)
2000000606 Level: AThe value of the expression \(3\log_{4}2 - \frac{1}{2}\log_{4}16\) is:\(0.5\)\(2\)\(\log_{4}\frac{9}{256}\)\( \frac{3}{2} \log_{4}\frac{1}{8}\)
2000014110 Level: AIdentify which of the following equalities is not equivalent to the equality \(4^x=9\).\( x=2\log_2 9\)\( x=\log_2 3\)\( x=\log_4 9\)\( x=2\log_4 3\)
2010011001 Level: AAmong offered answers, choose a logarithmic form of the following equality. \[ \sqrt{16} = 4 \]\( \log_{16}4=\frac{1}{2}\)\( \log_{\frac12}16=4\)\( \log_4 \frac12=16\)\( \log_{2}4=16\)