2010011002 Level: AWhich of the following statements is not true?\( \log_{\frac12}6=-3 \)\( \log_{\frac12}8=-3\)\( \log_2 \sqrt{2}=\frac12\)\( \log_{\frac12}\frac14=2\)
2010011003 Level: AFind the value of \( x \), if \( \log_{\frac13}x=-4 \).\( x=81 \)\( x=\frac1{81} \)\( x=-81 \)\( x=\frac1{12} \)
2010016007 Level: AIf \(\log_3 a=b\) then the value of \(\log_9 a\) is equal to:\(\frac{b}2\)\(2b\)\( \frac2{b}\)\(9b\)
2010016008 Level: AIf \(\log_2 a=b\) then the value of \(\log_8 a\) is equal to:\(\frac{b}3\)\(\frac{b}2\)\(3b\)\(4b\)
9000022802 Level: AFind all \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the following expression is undefined. \[ \log \left (2x^{2} + 4x - 6\right ) \]\(\left [ -3;1\right ] \)\(\left (-\infty ;-3\right )\cup \left (1;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-3;1\right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-3\right ] \cup \left [ 1;\infty \right )\)
9000034902 Level: AFind the domain of the following expression. \[ \log _{2}\left [\left (\frac{2} {3} - x\right )\left (x + \frac{1} {4}\right )\right ] \]\(\left (-\frac{1} {4}; \frac{2} {3}\right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-\frac{1} {4}\right ] \cup \left [ \frac{2} {3};\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-\frac{1} {4}\right )\cup \left (\frac{2} {3};\infty \right )\)\(\left [ \frac{1} {4}; \frac{2} {3}\right ] \)
9000034904 Level: AFind all \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the following expression is undefined. \[ \log _{\frac{1} {4} }\left [\left (x + \frac{1} {2}\right )\left (5 - 2x\right )\right ] \]\(\left (-\infty ;-\frac{1} {2}\right ] \cup \left [ \frac{5} {2};\infty \right )\)\(\left [ -\frac{1} {2}; \frac{5} {2}\right ] \)\(\left (-\frac{1} {2}; \frac{5} {2}\right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-\frac{1} {2}\right )\cup \left (\frac{5} {2};\infty \right )\)
1003102409 Level: BWithout a calculator evaluate the following expression and select the correct value. \[ \log_64+\log_69 \]\( 2 \)\( 36 \)\( 13 \)\( 6 \)
1003102411 Level: BWithout a calculator evaluate the following expression and select the correct value. \[ \frac{\log\sqrt6}{\log6} \]\( \frac12 \)\( 2 \)\( \frac{\sqrt6}6 \)\( \sqrt6-6 \)
1003102412 Level: BIf \( a \), \( b \), \( c\in(0;\infty) \) then the expression \( \log_5a-\frac23 \log_5 b+3\log_5c \) is equivalent to:\( \log_5\frac{ac^3}{\sqrt[3]{b^2}} \)\( \log_5\frac{a\sqrt[3]{b^2}}{c^3} \)\( \log_5\frac{3ac}{\frac23 b} \)\( \log_5\frac{\frac23 ab}{3c} \)