Project ID:
Sú dané body $A=[-1;3]$ a $B=[3;6]$. Priamka $AB$ je zadaná parametricky: $x=-1+4t$, $y=3+3t;$ $t\in\mathbb{R}$.
Priraďte útvarom ležiacim na priamke $AB$ množinu odpovedajúcich hodnôt parametra $t$.
Question Row 1:
\ifen Centre of the line segment $AB$ \fi \ifcs Střed úsečky $AB$ \fi \ifpl Środek odcinka prostej $AB$ \fi \ifsk Stred úsečky $AB$ \fi \ifes El centro del segmento $AB$ \fi
Answer Row 1:
$t\in\{2\}$, $t\in\left\{-\frac12\right\}$, *$t\in\left\{\frac12\right\}$, $t\in\{-2\}$
Question Row 2:
\ifen The line segment $AB$ \fi \ifcs Úsečka $AB$ \fi \ifpl Odcinek prostej $AB$ \fi \ifsk Úsečka $AB$ \fi \ifes El segmento $AB$ \fi
Answer Row 2:
$t\in\{0;1\}$, $t\in\langle-1;0\rangle$, $t\in\langle-1;1\rangle$, *$t\in\langle0;1\rangle$
Question Row 3:
\ifen The ray $AB$ \fi \ifcs Polopřímka $AB$ \fi \ifpl Półprosta $AB$ \fi \ifsk Polpriamka $AB$ \fi \ifes La semirrecta $AB$ \fi
Answer Row 3:
$t\in(0;\infty)$, $t\in\langle-\infty;0)$, *$t\in\langle0;\infty)$, $t\in\langle1;\infty)$
Question Row 4:
\ifen The ray $BA$ \fi \ifcs Polopřímka $BA$ \fi \ifpl Półprosta $BA$ \fi \ifsk Polpriamka $BA$ \fi \ifes La semirrecta $BA$ \fi
Answer Row 4:
*$t\in(-\infty;1\rangle$, $t\in\langle-\infty;0)$, $t\in\langle-\infty;1)$, $t\in\langle-1;\infty)$
Question Row 5:
\ifen The point of intersection of the line $AB$ with $x$-axis \fi \ifcs Průsečík přímky $AB$ s osou $x$ \fi \ifpl Punkt przecięcia prostej $AB$ z osią $x$ \fi \ifsk Priesečník priamky $AB$ s osou $x$ \fi \ifes El punto de intersección de la recta $AB$ con el eje $x$ \fi
Answer Row 5:
$t\in\{-5\}$, *$t\in\{-1\}$, $t\in\{0\}$, $t\in\left\{\frac14\right\}$
Question Row 6:
\ifen The point of intersection of the line $AB$ with $y$-axis \fi \ifcs Průsečík přímky $AB$ s osou $y$ \fi \ifpl Punkt przecięcia prostej $AB$ z osią $y$ \fi \ifsk Priesečník priamky $AB$ s osou $y$ \fi \ifes El punto de intersección de la recta $AB$ con el eje $y$ \fi
Answer Row 6:
$t\in\left\{-\frac13\right\}$, *$t\in\left\{\frac14\right\}$, $t\in\left\{\frac{15}4\right\}$, $t\in\{0\}$
Question Row 7:
\ifen The point $M\in AB;$ $M=[?;4]$ \fi \ifcs Bod $M\in AB;$ $M=[?;4]$ \fi \ifpl Punkt $M\in AB;$ $M=[?;4]$ \fi \ifsk Bod $M\in AB;$ $M=[?;4]$ \fi \ifes El punto $M\in AB;$ $M=[?;4]$ \fi
Answer Row 7:
$t\in\left\{\frac14\right\}$, $t\in\{1\}$, *$t\in\left\{\frac13\right\}$, $t\in\{-1\}$
Question Row 8:
\ifen The point $N\in AB;$ $N=[2;?]$ \fi \ifcs Bod $N\in AB;$ $N=[2;?]$ \fi \ifpl Punkt $N\in AB;$ $N=[2;?]$ \fi \ifsk Bod $N\in AB;$ $N=[2;?]$ \fi \ifes El punto $N\in AB;$ $N=[2;?]$ \fi
Answer Row 8:
*$t\in\left\{\frac34\right\}$, $t\in\{1\}$, $t\in\left\{\frac13\right\}$, $t\in\left\{\frac14\right\}$
% tiket 32955