1003107404 Level: BWe were given a sequence (2⋅xn)n=1∞. For what values of the parameter x, x∈R, is the sequence increasing?x∈(1;∞)x∈[1;∞)x∈(−∞;1)x∈(−∞;1]
1003107405 Level: BWe were given a sequence (log2n)n=1∞. This sequence is:increasingdecreasingnon-increasingbounded
1003107406 Level: BWe were given a sequence ((−1)n⋅n)n=1∞. Complete the sentence: This sequence is ...neither increasing nor decreasing.increasing.decreasing.lower bounded.
1003107407 Level: BWe were given a sequence (logn)n=1∞. This sequence is:lower boundedupper boundedboundeddecreasing
1003107408 Level: BA sequence (an)n=1∞ is defined recursively by: a1=5; an+1=2an−1, n∈N. This sequence is:lower boundedupper boundedboundeddecreasing
1003107409 Level: BWe were given a sequence (3+12n)n=1∞. This sequence is:boundedincreasingconstantnon-decreasing
1003107410 Level: BWe were given a sequence (−n2)n=1∞. This sequence is:upper boundedlower boundedboundedincreasing
2000010307 Level: BWhich of the following sequences given by the recursive formulas is not decreasing?an+1=1an, a1=5an+1=an, a1=16an+1=0.5⋅an, a1=12an+1=ann, a1=24
2010000402 Level: BWe are given the sequence (nn+1)n=1∞. Find the recursive formula of such sequence.a1=12; an+1=an(n+1)2n(n+2), n∈Na1=2; an+1=an(n+1)2n(n+2), n∈Na1=12; an+1=ann(n+1)(n+1)(n+2), n∈Na1=2; an+1=ann(n+1)(n+1)(n+2), n∈N
2010000701 Level: BWe are given the sequence (an+b)n=1∞. This sequence satisfies a7−a2=−10. Use this information to find a.a=−2a=2a=−1a=1