9000024403 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(a\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = |x - a|- 3 \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ 1\)\(\ \ - 2\)\(\ \ - 3\)\(\ \ 4\)\(\ \ 3\)
9000024404 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(b\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = |x - 0.25| + b \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ 0.5\)\(\ \ - 0.5\)\(\ \ 0.75\)\(\ \ - 0.75\)\(\ \ 0.25\)
9000024405 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(b\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = \left |x -\frac{1} {3}\right | + b \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ - 1\)\(\ \ -\frac{2} {3}\)\(\ \ \frac{2} {3}\)\(\ \ \frac{1} {3}\)\(\ \ 1\)
9000024406 Level: AIdentify the values of real parameters \(a\) and \(b\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x)= |x + a| + b \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ a = 3,\quad \phantom{ -} b = 2\)\(\ \ a = 2,\quad \phantom{ -} b = 3\)\(\ \ a = 2,\quad \phantom{ -} b = -3\)\(\ \ a = -3,\quad b = 2\)
9000024407 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(a\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = |x + a|- 2 \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ - 1\)\(\ \ 1\)\(\ \ - 2\)\(\ \ 2\)\(\ \ 3\)
9000024408 Level: AIdentify the values of real parameters \(a\) and \(b\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x)= |x - a| + b \] corresponds to the picture.\(\ \ a = 3,\quad \phantom{ -} b = -2\)\(\ \ a = -3,\quad b = 2\)\(\ \ a = 2,\quad \phantom{ -} b = -3\)\(\ \ a = -2,\quad b = 2\)
9000024503 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(a\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = |x - a| + 3 \] corresponds to the picture.\(1\)\(3\)\(- 3\)\(- 1\)\(4\)
9000024504 Level: AIdentify the value of a real parameter \(b\) such that the graph of the function \[ f(x) = |x - 0.5| + b \] corresponds to the picture.\(1\)\(- 1\)\(- 0.5\)\(0.5\)\(1.5\)