2000000203 Level: BSolve the following inequality. \[ (x+1)^{2}>0 \]\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{-1\}\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}\)\(x \in (-1 ;1)\)\(x \in (-\infty ;-1)\cup (1;\infty )\)
2000000204 Level: BSolve the following inequality. \[ (5-x)^{2}\leq 0 \]\(x \in \{5\}\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{5\}\)\(x \in \emptyset \)\(x \in (-\infty ;-5)\cup (5;\infty )\)
2000000205 Level: BSolve the following inequality. \[ -100- x^{2} \leq 0 \]\(x \in \mathbb{R}\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{-10;10\}\)\(x \in \emptyset \)\(x \in (-10 ;10)\)
2000000701 Level: BUse the given graph of the function \(f: y=x^2-2x+1\) to solve the inequality \(x^2-2x+1>0\).\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{-1\}\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\)\(x \in \{1\}\)
2000000702 Level: BUse the given graph of the function \(f: y=-x^2-1\) to solve the inequality \(-x^2-1\leq 0\).\(x \in \mathbb{R}\)\(x \in \emptyset\)\(x \in (-1;1)\)\(x \in (-\infty;-1)\cup(1;\infty)\)
2000000703 Level: BUse the given graph of the function \(f: y=x^2-4\) to solve the inequality \(x^2-4< 0\).\(x \in (-2;2)\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{-2;2\}\)\(x \in (-4;0)\)\(x \in (-\infty;-2) \cup (2;\infty)\)
2000000704 Level: BUse the given graph of the function \(f: y=-x^2+5x\) to solve the inequality \(-x^2+5x< 0\).\(x \in (-\infty;0)\cup(5;\infty)\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{0;5\}\)\(x \in(0;5)\)\(x \in (0;6.25)\)
2000000705 Level: BUse the given graph of the function \(f: y=(x-2)(x-3)=x^2-5x+6\) to solve the inequality \((x-2)(x-3)< 0\).\(x \in (2;3)\)\(x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{2;3\}\)\(x \in (-\infty;2)\cup(3;\infty)\)\(x \in \emptyset\)
2010004501 Level: BOne of the solutions of the quadratic equation \( x^{2} + 7x +c = 0\) is \(x_{1} = -3\). Find the second solution \(x_{2}\) and the value of the coefficient \(c\).\(x_{2} = -4\) and \(c = 12\)\(x_{2} = 4\) and \(c = -12\)\(x_{2} = -4\) and \(c = -12\)\(x_{2} = 4\) and \(c = 12\)
2010004502 Level: BThe quadratic equation \[ ax^{2} + bx -24 = 0 \] has solutions \(x_{1} = -2\) and \(x_{2} = 4\). Find the coefficients \(a\) and \(b\).\(a = 3\), \(b = -6\)\(a = -3\), \(b = -6\)\(a = -3\), \(b = 6\)\(a = 3\), \(b = 6\)