Zprávy o stavu distanční výuky


ČSI - Zpráva o stavu distanční výuky

Rok po uzavření škol vydala Česká školní inspekce (ČŠI) svou další, v pořadí již třetí zprávu o stavu distanční výuky v Česku. Vyplývá z ní, že školy během posledních dvanácti měsíců udělaly velký krok vpřed.

Zpráva je ke stažení zde: https://www.csicr.cz/cz/Aktuality/Tematicka-zprava-Distancni-vzdelavani-v-zakladnich


OECD - The State of School Education - One Year into the COVID Pandemic

In 2020, 1.5 billion students in 188 countries/economies were locked out of their schools. Students everywhere have been faced with schools that are open one day and closed the next, causing massive disruption to their learning.

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still raging, many education systems are still struggling, and the situation is constantly evolving. The OECD – in collaboration with UNESCO, UNICEF and The World Bank – has been monitoring the situation across countries and collecting data on how each system is responding to the crisis, from school closures and remote learning, to teacher vaccination and gradual returns to in-class instruction.

This report presents the preliminary findings from this survey, providing a snapshot of the situation one year into the COVID crisis.
