Krychle -- odchylky

Project ID: 
\vspace{-2em} \begin{minipage}{0.6\linewidth} Krychle $ABCDEFGH$ má hrany délky $a$. Určete odchylku mezi: \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth} \obrA \end{minipage} \vspace{-2em}
Question Row 1: 
\ifen the lines $BE$ and $CH$: \fi \ifcs přímkami $BE$ a $CH$: \fi \ifpl prostymi $BE$ i $CH$: \fi \ifsk priamkami $BE$ a $CH$: \fi \ifes las rectas $BE$ y $CH$: \fi
Answer Row 1: 
*$0^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$
Question Row 2: 
\ifen the lines $BE$ and $BC$: \fi \ifcs přímkami $BE$ a $BC$: \fi \ifpl prostymi $BE$ i $BC$: \fi \ifsk priamkami $BE$ a $BC$: \fi \ifes las rectas $BE$ y $BC$: \fi
Answer Row 2: 
$30^{\circ}$, $35{,}3^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, *$90^{\circ}$
Question Row 3: 
\ifen the lines $BE$ and $BG$: \fi \ifcs přímkami $BE$ a $BG$: \fi \ifpl prostymi $BE$ i $BG$: \fi \ifsk priamkami $BE$ a $BG$: \fi \ifes las rectas $BE$ y $BG$: \fi
Answer Row 3: 
$30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, *$60^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$
Question Row 4: 
\ifen the lines $BE$ and $FG$: \fi \ifcs přímkami $BE$ a $FG$: \fi \ifpl prostymi $BE$ i $FG$: \fi \ifsk priamkami $BE$ a $FG$: \fi \ifes las rectas $BE$ y $FG$: \fi
Answer Row 4: 
$30^{\circ}$, $35{,}3^{\circ}$, *$90^{\circ}$, $120^{\circ}$
Question Row 5: 
\ifen the line $BE$ and the plane $ADH$: \fi \ifcs přímkou $BE$ a rovinou $ADH$: \fi \ifpl prostą $BE$ i płaszczyzną $ADH$: \fi \ifsk priamkou $BE$ a rovinou $ADH$: \fi \ifes la recta $BE$ y el plano $ADH$ \fi
Answer Row 5: 
$30^{\circ}$, *$45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$
Question Row 6: 
\ifen the line $BE$ and the plane $ABC$: \fi \ifcs přímkou $BE$ a rovinou $ABC$: \fi \ifpl prostą $BE$ i płaszczyzną $ABC$: \fi \ifsk priamkou $BE$ a rovinou $ABC$: \fi \ifes la recta $BE$ y el plano $ABC$ \fi
Answer Row 6: 
$35{,}3^{\circ}$, *$45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$
Question Row 7: 
\ifen the line $BE$ and the plane $AFG$: \fi \ifcs přímkou $BE$ a rovinou $AFG$: \fi \ifpl prostą $BE$ i płaszczyzną $AFG$: \fi \ifsk priamkou $BE$ a rovinou $AFG$: \fi \ifes la recta $BE$ y el plano $AFG$ \fi
Answer Row 7: 
$0^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, *$90^{\circ}$
Question Row 8: 
\ifen the line $BE$ and the plane $DBF$: \fi \ifcs přímkou $BE$ a rovinou $DBF$: \fi \ifpl prostą $BE$ i płaszczyzną $DBF$: \fi \ifsk priamkou $BE$ a rovinou $DBF$: \fi \ifes la recta $BE$ y el plano $DBF$ \fi
Answer Row 8: 
*$30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$
% tiket 33042 \MsrTabulka[0pt]{0.5\linewidth}{0.4\linewidth} \pocetsloupcu{4} \def\obrA{\obrMsr[x=1.5cm,y=1.5cm,z=0.2cm]{-1}2{-1}2 { \pgfmathsetmacro{\cubex}{1} \pgfmathsetmacro{\cubey}{1} \pgfmathsetmacro{\cubez}{2} \coordinate (A) at (0,0,0); \coordinate (B) at (\cubex,0,0); \coordinate (C) at (\cubex.2,0,\cubez); \coordinate (D) at (0.2,0,\cubez); \coordinate (E) at (0,\cubey,0); \coordinate (F) at (\cubex,\cubey,0); \coordinate (G) at (\cubex.2,\cubey,\cubez); \coordinate (H) at (0.2,\cubey,\cubez); \draw[thick,dashed] (A) -- (D) node [yshift=-6pt,xshift=3pt]{$D$} -- (C) node [yshift=-5pt,xshift=5pt]{$C$}; \draw[thick,dashed] (D) -- (H); \draw[thick] (A) node [yshift=-5pt,xshift=-5pt]{$A$} -- (B) node [yshift=-6pt,xshift=3pt]{$B$} -- (F) node [yshift=6pt,xshift=-3pt]{$F$}-- (E) node [yshift=6pt,xshift=-3pt]{$E$} -- cycle; \draw[thick] (B) -- (C) -- (G) -- (F); \draw[thick] (G) node [yshift=6pt,xshift=3pt]{$G$} -- (H) node [yshift=6pt,xshift=-3pt]{$H$} -- (E); }}