Of the school's \(300\) pupils, \(67\%\) attend the sports club and \(42\%\) attend the music club. \(18\%\) attend both clubs. How many children do not attend any club?
The angle \( \beta \) is by \( 20\% \) smaller than the angle \( \gamma \) and by \( 100\% \) greater than the angle \( \alpha \). The angle \( \alpha \) is
There are \(14\) right-handed and \(18\) left-handed children among the children attending the ceramic group. Find the difference between percentages of right-handers and left-handers in the group. (Round the result to one decimal place.)
The number of permanent residents of a city has decreased by \( 10\% \) per year in the last three years. How many residents did the city have three years ago, if we know that the last year the population was \(972\)?