9000018002 Level: BAssuming positive integer \(x\), solve the following inequality. \[ -5x\geq - 1 \]\(x\in \emptyset \)\(x\in \left \{0\right \}\)\(x\in \left (0; \frac{1} {5}\right ] \)\(x\in \left \{\frac{1} {5}\right \}\)
9000018003 Level: BAssuming \(x\in \left (0;3\right ] \), solve the following inequality. \[ 6 - 2x\leq 3x - 4 \]\(x\in \left [ 2;3\right ] \)\(x\in \left (0;3\right ] \)\(x\in \left (0;2\right ] \)\(x\in \left (0;\infty \right )\)
9100018108 Level: BGraph the solution of the following inequality. \[ \frac{x - 5} {2} \leq 2\left (x + 1\right ) \]
9100018109 Level: BSolve the following inequality and choose the diagram that shows the correct solution set marked in red on the number line. \[ 1 -\frac{x - 4} {5} \geq \frac{4x} {5} \]
9100021805 Level: BIdentify a picture which shows the graphical solution of the following inequality in red. \[ \frac{1} {2}x + 1\leq 3x - 4 \]