9000027305 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |x + 2| < 1 \]\(\left (-3;-1\right )\)\(\left (1;3\right )\)\(\left [ -1;3\right ] \)\(\left [ -2;0\right ] \)
9000027306 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |x + 3|\geq 6 \]\(\left (-\infty ;-9\right ] \cup \left [ 3;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;3\right ] \cup \left [ 6;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-3\right )\cup \left (9;\infty \right )\)\(\left [ -3;6\right ] \)
9000027307 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |2x - 6|\leq 3 \]\(\left [ 1.5;4.5\right ] \)\(\left [ 0;6\right ] \)\(\left (2;4\right )\)\(\left [ -1;5\right ] \)
9000027308 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |2x - 1| > 5 \]\(\left (-\infty ;-2\right )\cup \left (3;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-4.5\right )\cup \left (5.5;\infty \right )\)\(\left (1.5;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;0\right )\cup \left [ 5;\infty \right )\)
9000027309 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |3x + 2| < -1 \]\(\emptyset \)\(\left (1;3\right )\)\(\left [ -1;3\right ] \)\(\left [ -2;0\right ] \)
9000027310 Level: AIdentify the solution set of the following inequality. \[ |2x + 11| > 0 \]\(\left (-\infty ;-5.5\right )\cup \left (-5.5;\infty \right )\)\(\left (-2;11\right )\)\(\left (-\infty ;-11\right )\cup \left (11;\infty \right )\)\(\emptyset \)
9000078501 Level: AWrite the following set in an interval notation. \[ \{x\in \mathbb{R};|x| > 2\} \]\((-\infty ;-2)\cup (2;\infty )\)\([ 2;\infty ] \)\((2;\infty )\)\((-\infty ;-2] \cup [ 2;\infty )\)
9000078502 Level: AWrite the following set in an interval notation. \[ \{x\in \mathbb{R};|x|\leq 4\} \]\([ - 4;4] \)\((-4;4)\)\((-\infty ;-4] \)\((-\infty ;-4)\)
9000078503 Level: AWrite the following set in an interval notation. \[ \{x\in \mathbb{R};|x - 3|\geq 5\} \]\((-\infty ;-2] \cup [ 8;\infty )\)\((-\infty ;-8] \cup [ 2;\infty )\)\([ 2;\infty )\)\([ 8;\infty )\)
9000078504 Level: AWrite the following set in an interval notation. \[ \{x\in \mathbb{R};|x + 10| > 7\} \]\((-\infty ;-17)\cup (-3;\infty )\)\((-\infty ;3)\cup (17;\infty )\)\((-3;\infty )\)\((17;\infty )\)