9000083705 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{2x(x + 2)(x - 3)} {x^{2} - 4} \]\(x = 0,\ x = 3\)\(x = -2,\ x = 0,\ x = 3\)\(x = 0\)\(x =\pm 2\)
9000083706 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{4x^{2} - 36} {4x^{2} + 24x + 36} \]\(x = 3\)\(x = 4\)\(x = -3,\ x = 3\)The expression never equals zero.
9000083707 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{4x^{3} + 20x^{2} + 25x} {x + 1} \]\(x = 0,\ x = -\frac{5} {2}\)\(x = 0\)\(x = -\frac{5} {2}\)\(x = -1\)
9000083708 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{x^{2} - (2x - 1)^{2}} {x^{2} - 4} \]\(x = \frac{1} {3},\ x = 1\)\(x = -\frac{1} {3},\ x = 1\)\(x =\pm 2\)\(x = 1\)
9000083709 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{(2x + 3)^{2} - (3x - 2)^{2}} {x - 5} \]\(x = -\frac{1} {5}\)\(x = 5\)\(x = -5\)\(x = \frac{1} {5}\)
9000083710 Level: AFind all the values of \(x\in \mathbb{R}\) for which the given expression equals zero. \[ \frac{(4x + 3)^{2} - (5x - 2)^{2}} {5 + x} \]\(x = 5,\ x = -\frac{1} {9}\)\(x = -5\)\(x = -\frac{5} {9},\ x = 1\)\(x = 1,\ x = \frac{5} {9}\)
1003029001 Level: BFind the solution set of the inequality. \[ \left(x^2+1\right)\left(x^2+3\right)\geq0 \]\( \mathbb{R} \)\( (-\infty;-1]\cup[1;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;-1)\cup(1;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;-\sqrt3]\cup[\sqrt3;\infty) \)\( \emptyset \)
1003029101 Level: BFind the solution set of the inequality. \[ \frac{x^4-1}{x\left(x^2+3\right)}\geq0 \]\( [-1;0)\cup[1;\infty) \)\( [-1;0]\cup[1;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;0)\cup[1;\infty) \)\( (-\infty;0]\cup[1;\infty) \)
1003029102 Level: BFind the solution set of the inequality. \[ \frac{x\left(x^3-8\right)}{-x^4-4}\leq0 \]\( (-\infty;0]\cup[2;\infty) \)\( [ 0;2 ] \)\( (-\infty;-2]\cup[0;2] \)\( (-\infty;-2]\cup[2;\infty) \)
1003029103 Level: BFind the domain of the expression on the left side of the inequality. \[\frac{x^4}{x^2\left(x^5-1\right)\left(2x^2-4\right)}\leq0 \]\( \mathbb{R}\setminus\left\{0;1;\pm\sqrt2\right\}\)\( \mathbb{R}\setminus\left\{1;\pm\sqrt2\right\}\)\( \mathbb{R}\setminus\left\{\pm1;\pm\sqrt2\right\}\)\( \mathbb{R}\setminus\left\{0;\pm1;\pm\sqrt2\right\}\)