9000010504 Level: AFor \(x\in \mathbb{R}\), \(x > 0\), simplify the following expression. \[ \root{3}\of{x^{2}} : \root{3}\of{x} \]\(\root{3}\of{x}\)\(x\)\(1\)\(\root{9}\of{x}\)
9000010507 Level: AFor \(x\in \mathbb{R}\), \(x > 0\), simplify the following expression. \[ x^{3} : \root{}\of{x} \]\(x^{2}\root{}\of{x}\)\(x^{3}\root{}\of{x}\)\(\root{}\of{x^{3}}\)\(\root{6}\of{x}\)
9000010509 Level: AFor \(x\in \mathbb{R}\), \(x > 0\), simplify the following expression. \[ x\cdot \root{3}\of{x^{11}} \]\(x^{4}\root{3}\of{x^{2}}\)\(x^{11}\root{3}\of{x}\)\(x^{12}\root{3}\of{x}\)\(x\root{3}\of{x}\)
9000013505 Level: AWrite the number \(3\root{3}\of{3}\) in an equivalent form involving just radical of a single number or radical of a single power.\(\root{3}\of{81}\)\(\sqrt{9}\)\(\root{3}\of{27}\)\(\root{3}\of{3^{2}}\)
9000013506 Level: AWrite the number \(\root{3}\of{16000}\) in an equivalent form with smallest possible number under the radical.\(20\root{3}\of{2}\)\(10\root{3}\of{4}\)\(100\root{3}\of{2}\)\(4\root{3}\of{10}\)
9000013508 Level: AWrite the fraction \(\frac{\sqrt{7}} {\sqrt{3}}\) in an equivalent form which does not contain radical in the denominator.\(\frac{\sqrt{21}} {3} \)\(\frac{\sqrt{10}} {3} \)\(\frac{\sqrt{7}+\sqrt{3}} {3} \)\(\frac{7} {3}\)
9000013509 Level: ASimplify the expression \((1 + \sqrt{2})^{2}\).\(3 + 2\sqrt{2}\)\(3\)\(3 - 2\sqrt{2}\)\(3 + \sqrt{2}\)
9000013510 Level: AWrite the fraction \(\frac{1} {1+\sqrt{2}}\) in an equivalent form which does not contain radical in the denominator.\(\sqrt{2} - 1\)\(\sqrt{2}\)\(\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}\)\(1 -\sqrt{2}\)
1003032101 Level: BThe product of the numbers \( \left(\sqrt[3]{25}\cdot\sqrt5\right)^{-1} \) and \( \sqrt[6]5\cdot625^{\frac14} \) equals:\( 1 \)\( \frac15 \)\( \sqrt5 \)\( 5 \)
1003032102 Level: BThe number \( \frac{\left(1.4\cdot10^{6}\right)\cdot\left(5.4\cdot10^{-8}\right)}{\left(3.6\cdot10^{-3}\right)\left(3.5\cdot10^{-4}\right)} \) is \( k \)-times bigger than the number \( 3000 \) for:\( k=20 \)\( k=2 \)\( k=6 \)\( k=10 \)