2000001303 Level: AEvaluate the given expression. \[\biggl| |2-5| -2\cdot|3-5| \biggr|\]\(1\)\(7\)\(-1\)\(2\)
2000001205 Level: BFind all \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that the given relation is true. \[ -|x|=|-x|\]\( x \in \{0\}\)\( x \in [ 0; \infty) \)\( x \in (-\infty;0] \)\(x \in \mathbb{R} \)No such \(x\) exists.
2000001204 Level: BFind all \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that the given relation is true. \[- |x|=-x\]\( x \in [ 0; \infty) \)\( x \in (-\infty;0] \)\(x \in \mathbb{R} \)No such \(x\) exists.\( x \in \{0\}\)
2000001203 Level: BFind all \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that the given relation is true. \[ |-x|=-x\]\( x \in (-\infty;0] \)\( x \in [ 0; \infty) \)\(x \in \mathbb{R} \)No such \(x\) exists.\( x \in \{0\}\)
2000001202 Level: BFind all \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that the given relation is true. \[ |x|=-x\]\( x \in (-\infty;0] \)\( x \in [ 0; \infty) \)\(x \in \mathbb{R} \)No such \(x\) exists.\( x \in \{0\}\)
2000001201 Level: BFind all \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that the given relation is true. \[ |x|=x\]\( x \in [ 0;\infty) \)\( x \in (-\infty;0] \)\( x \in\mathbb{R}\)No such \(x\) exists.\( x \in \{0\} \)
Absolute Value Expressions II Submitted by ladislav.foltyn on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 22:11 Question: Evaluate the following expressions for given $x$ and choose the correct answer.
Absolute Value Expressions I Submitted by ladislav.foltyn on Fri, 02/15/2019 - 15:00 Question: \footnotesize Evaluate absolute value expressions: