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INTED 2025


Petra Vondráková and Petr Beremlijski (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava) attended the INTED (International Technology, Education and Development Conference) conference in Valencia, Spain, from 3 to 5 March 2025.

Petra Vondráková presented the results of the projects Math Exercises for You 2 and Math Exercises for You 3 in the poster "Games in Math". 

ICETC 2024


Petra Vondráková and Petr Beremlijski (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava) attended the ICETC conference (International Conference on Education Technology and Computers) in Porto, Portugal, from 18 to 21 September 2024.

Math4U on Scientix


Scientix http://www.scientix.eu/ is the number one community for science education in Europe. It aims to promote and support a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other educational stakeholders to inspire students to pursue careers in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

JAEM 2022


The conference for the learning and teaching of mathematics (JAEM)

Juan Segui and Marta Minguez organized the workshop about  Math4U Portal at the conference for the learning and teaching of mathematics (JAEM).  The conference was held from July 3 to 6, 2022 at the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and is organized by the Spanish Federation of Society of Teachers of Mathematics.



Petr Beremlijski and Petra Vondráková (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava) attended the EDULEARN22, the 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies which was held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on the 4th, 5th and 6th of July, 2022.

They presented the results of the projects Math Exercises for You and Math Exercises for You 2 in the following talks:


1 st prize in the eLearning 2021 competition


The Math4U project won another beautiful award. This time in the 20th year of the eLearning competition. This competition is organized by the University of Hradec Králové, the Czech Technical University in Prague, and the EUNIS-CZ Association in cooperation with the EUNIS-SK Association, the Czech Association of Distance Higher Education, and the Czech Society for System Integration.

The aim of the competition is to present the best educational products using information technologies created in the last two years and thus support the development in this area.

Math4U has been selected for the publication - The Best of the Label Language Award 2014 - 2020


Czech National Agency for International Education and Research has published a brochure that presents the best projects that have been awarded the European Language Label Award in the past seven years. The jury always selected one of the best projects for each of the past seven years.

Czech National Agency for International Education and Research then addressed selected institutions with the question of where they have moved in the field of languages since the implementation of the project and in what way the project helped their further development.